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prayer wheel for light and peace - photographic negative

Seasons of Peace

Poems from Rumi

seasons of peace - prayer wheel for light and peace
| Seasons of Peace | Rumi | Guest House | Shadow and Light | Only Breath | The Hidden |
| Shadow and Light | The Self We Share | Who Says Words With My Mouth? | Two Kinds of Intelligence | Not Intrigued With Evening |

Shadow and Light
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How does
a part of the world
leave the world?

How does wetness
leave water?

Dont' try to put out fire
by throwing on more fire!

Don't wash a wound
with blood.

No matter how fast you run,
your shadow keeps up.

Sometimes it's in front!

Only full overhead sun
diminishes your shadow.

But that shadow
has been serving you.

What hurts you,
blesses you.

is your candle.

Your boundaries
are your quest.

I could explain this,
but it will break
the glass cover
on your heart,
and there's no fixing that.

You must have
shadow and light source

and lay your head
under the tree of awe.

When from that tree
feathers and wings
sprout on you,
be quieter than a dove.

Don't even open your mouth
for even a coo.
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Jelal'uddin Rumi - 13th century Sufi mystic and poet
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From The Soul of Rumi. Translated by Coleman Barks.
© Copyright, 2001, Harpercollins. Permission pending; fair use intended.

Light Cubes - Gifts of Light & Peace
Light Cubes - Gifts of Light
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