loop of rope sash
prayer wheel for light and peace - photographic negative
Doing Nothing
prayer wheel for light and peace
Seasons of Peace
| The First Step | Gateway to Mystery | Doing Nothing | Not Doing | Hidden Emptiness | More Words Count Less | The Valley Spirit | Staying Behind | The Highest Good | Stopping Short |

Doing Nothing

Under Heaven
all can see
beauty as beauty
only because
there is ugliness.

All can know
good as good
only because
there is evil.

Therefore having
and not having
arise together.

Difficult and easy
complement each other.

Long and short
contrast with each other;

High and low
rest upon each other;

Voice and sound
harmonise each other;

Front and back
follow one another.

Therefore the sage
goes about
doing nothing,
teaching no talking.

The ten thousand things
rise and fall
without cease,

yet not possessing,

yet not taking credit,

work is done,
then forgotten.

Therefore it lasts for ever.

Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, chapter 72
Translated by Gia Fu Feng and Jane English

Digital Bridges in Peace  |  Gandhi-King Season  |  Peace Cubes
Light Cubes - Gifts of Light & Peace

Light Cubes - Gifts of Light