loop of rope sash
prayer wheel for light and peace - photographic negative
The Valley Spirit
prayer wheel for light and peace
Seasons of Peace
| The First Step | Gateway to Mystery | Doing Nothing | Not Doing | Hidden Emptiness | More Words Count Less | The Valley Spirit | Staying Behind | The Highest Good | Stopping Short |

The Valley Spirit

The valley spirit never dies;
It is the woman,
primal mother.

Her gateway
is the root
of heaven and earth.

It is like a veil
barely seen.

Use it;
it will never fail.

Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, chapter 6
Translated by Gia Fu Feng and Jane English

Digital Bridges in Peace  |  Gandhi-King Season  |  Peace Cubes
Light Cubes - Gifts of Light & Peace

Light Cubes - Gifts of Light